Survivors and O’Brien are demanding justice is served in the UK first before extradition to the US. According to Mr O’Brien not all of Tahilramani’s victims are US citizens and he has alleged British and Irish victims. Lockdown is featured as a playable game card. Tahilramani will have to have his claim for asylum determined before he is extradited. Tahilramani has claimed asylum in the UK since entering the country in 2016 and living in the country illegally since his visa expired. He faces an eight-count indictment in California, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud. published 5 June 2023 Michael Bay sure has a knack for explosions (Image credit: Paramount Pictures) Over the course of the past decade-and-a-half, the Transformers franchise has given us some. While it could easily stand in as Thundercracker, looks like this newly revealed Buzzworthy Bumblebee Decepticon Seeker was based on one of these generic Seekers from the original cartoon. He was arrested following an FBI investigation in Manchester in 2020. Tahilramani allegedly used fake accents and altered his voice to sound like female film executives. Survivors have reported being coerced into simulated sex acts and having expenses conned from them, including screenwriter Eoin O'Brien, who wrote an upcoming film on his experience, called Kiss of the Con Queen.

For a list of other meanings, see Lockdown (disambiguation).

Tahilramani allegedly posed as female film executives to trick industry professionals into handing over money. Wiki in: Animated Decepticons, Bounty hunters, Cyber-Ninja Corps English Lockdown (TFA) Sign in to edit The name or term Lockdown refers to more than one character or idea. UK citizen Hargobind Tahilramani, also known as the "con queen of Hollywood", is facing extradition to the US over a $1m scam against more than 300 victims between 2013 to 2020.